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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Very First Attempt

I am my worst critic. Sometimes I love myself for being able to see past my vain mental indulgences and other times, most times I hate the way I stand in my own way. Its a habit I have nurtured/condoned for a really long time now and I think it's starting to take its toll on me.

I have created quite a number of blogs in the past, most of which exist somewhere out there, but I have never really had the courage to post. Ahem...point of correction, I have never had the courage to let the only post stay longer than four minutes. Feelings of inadequacy would cloud my mind, I would tear apart my post, word by word, until the next natural thing to do was delete it, to do away with my 'boring', 'anticlimax','lame' post. What would people think?? I only wanted to write that 'perfect' blog post and everything would be fine. I would blog happily ever after. It never did come. Maybe it never does, but who knows...

There is no 'right' way of blogging. There may or may not be a perfect blog post, but I sure ain't gonna find it if I don't blog. Right?

I am done tearing myself down.

This is my attempt at doing what I really want to do, blogging!!


  1. Hi...yes, there always has to be a starting point. I struggled with these issues myself and only when I decided to write for myself and not people out there did I actually find 'success', though that word is relative. Define what successful blogging will mean for you then focus on that. I also learned not to pay attention to stuff like stats, number of followers, comments etc...those will naturally come with time as it takes quite a while for your blog to get an identity and be known - especially if it is a personal blog and not product or issue based. Good luck with this blog, will keep an eye on it!

  2. Hi Otieno,
    You have some valid points there. Glad to know I am not the only one who has struggled with this issues. And considering how far you have gone with your blog, I would want to be like you when I grow up! :-)
    Thanx for stopping by and the advice. Really appreciated.

  3. Well. Well done this very attempt. You are adequate and go on perfect. Diamond shines on polishing, only begining and no ending. Hope continue. Very appreciatable your spirit of blogging and sharing. With Best Wishes.

  4. its funny that no matter how established a writer is, one still struggles with the spirit of inadequacy. Blogging is a funny game, sometimes you write and have some many adoring funs but sometimes they drift away and you are tempted to cease and fade into oblivion. For me. I write for myself and let the talent come with experience.
